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Meetings have held, seminars have been hosted, communiqués have been issued but it appears that the face in things in Africa remains the same, if not deteriorating. We believe it's high time we took the bull by the horns and exert the force that will take Africa from its place of inertia, and place it on the path of action and relevance.

Globalization is melting the walls that divide continents and nations, and if Africa does not rise to the opportunities of Information and Communication Technologies, the digital divide will only get wider. With this in mind, we raise our voice as the Young people of Africa, the link between today and tomorrow; one voice that calls for urgent action and not empty boasts and intimidating statistics. THIS VOICE SAYS………

Since education is undeniably the bedrock of any economy, we recommend that ICT education should be given topmost priority through the integration of ICT into our school and university's curricula; establishment of qualitative and accessible ICT training centers; scholarships for ICT-related studies; intensive ICT literacy campaigns in rural areas; and synergy between educational institutions and the industry for relevant Research and Development efforts that would lead to innovative ICT solutions.

Governments and business-funded communication centers should be established in under-developed areas. Training and development can be used in education so as to encourage the usage of ICTs. An integral part of training is therefore to introduce the trainers to new technologies and to raise awareness of how ICTs could enhance our lives.

We also commit ourselves to this same cause by educating our colleagues in order to create a generation of African Youth with proper orientation towards the continent and its development.

As a valid member of the global community, Africa must endeavor to give more attention to technology through Youth-led skills initiatives. We will do this (with the support of our governments, the ITU, the private sector and other concerned bodies) by transferring ICT knowledge to undeserved communities. Innovative solutions that are specific to Africa should be encouraged whole an incubating system that promotes emerging entrepreneurs should be set up.

We believe that development will help change the face of things in the continent. Human Resource development is not negotiable for any people-group and this we believe must enjoy a high level of consideration. The rate of brain drain can be reduced by promoting some form of brain circulation within the continent through regional cooperation and process. Our governments must invest in basic infrastructure to enable rural access so that we can bridge the digital divide that exists, within the borders of our nations.

It is important that research is done prior to any implementations. We need to find out what the real needs of AFRICA is before we can adopt any technology, which means producing African solutions for African problems.

We commit ourselves to use ICT as a tool to promote peace, friendship, democracy, justice and love around the entire African continent. And we call upon our leaders to do the same.

A conducive and open environment for investment would go a long way in helping Africa's ICT sector. Liberalization and fair competition, tax breaks, low tariffs and other incentives would allow better investments in the African economy. We also believe that something must be done to ensure that regulatory bodies are independent from external influences.

We believe that the ITU Youth Forum should continue due to the multifaceted impact it has on the continent. The regional meetings (Africa 2001, Asia 2002, Americas 2002) should culminate in the global meeting (World 2003) which will host the different youths from each region. The world conference in 2003 will be a good place for the Youth of Africa, Asia and the Americas to meet and chat paths for global impact.

We will set up the Africa Youth Initiative and we will be ITU young ambassadors in our own countries. A website will be set up as a base of our work, while an Internet community, africatomorrow@yahoogroups.com is already in use for better and more efficient communication between the Africa 2001 fellows.

Therefore we appeal to the ITU to:

  • Assist us with the network so as to keep us connected.
  • Encourage our respective Governments to create national youth forums which will be used to promote ICT among young people in our own countries.
  • Create a coordinating office within the ITU to assist our Africa Youth Initiative

...and in CONCLUSION
We want to thank the government of South Africa especially the President, Mr. Thabo Mbeki and the Minister of Communications, Dr. Ivy Matsepe-Cassaburi. We would also like to say a big thank you to the ITU, especially Ms. Walda Roseman; the sponsors; the chaperons; the panelists; the interpreters and all those who made the forum a successful and rewarding experience for us.

We hope that we have left our footprints which can help relay a message of active involvement to tomorrow's Youth and the Youth of others regions. We know that the future belongs to us and we will start to build it now. We are sure that our continent will be reborn and we will work to make the African Renaissance one reality.

Thank you.

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